<hello-world />

Software Developer - Footballer



I am Adnan Mazharuddin Shaikh. I have been programming in some capacity since 2016 in various languages. I chose to begin my education at a community college because of the flexibility and cost savings it offered.

I started Blogging in 2020 so I can help other learners what I have learned. I have decided to focus on Python primarily, but occasionally, I will venture to other languages. Stay tuned :)


Contact Me

I'd love to hear from you !

You may communicate with me either through Gmail or Whatsapp. You're not going to hit a ridiculously long phone menu when you call me. Your email isn't going to the inbox abyss, never to be seen or heard from again.


Don't be shy, please let me know how much you love me !

Fun & Games

I love to invest my free time to create new things, and I always am busy in experimenting stuff. I have created some mini-games in my spare time. I am looking forward to creating some more new games whenever I get time. Contributions are most welcome. The important thing is just use whatever is at your disposal to create new ideas and come up with stuff that's fresh and new. I have coded the games in javascript. To play them, just click on the icons.

Fun is not the same thing as fulfillment. So sit back, relax and enjoy playing them. Give it a shot! I hope you like them.


